International Baccalaureate Program
What is IB?
“The International Baccalaureate (IB) aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.” (IBO Mission Statement)
In January 2011, Huda School and Montessori became authorized as an IB World School. These are schools that share a common philosophy, a commitment to high quality, challenging international education that Huda believes is important for our students. The Middle Years Program (MYP) prepares students for a world of increasing globalism through an emphasis on communication skills, holistic education and international mindedness.
Students and parents will develop an understanding of the IB Learner Profile. The ten key attributes and aspirational qualities of the learner profile inspire and motivate the work of teachers, students and schools. They provide a statement of the aims and values of the IB and a definition of what we mean by an “international-mindedness” person. The MYP delivery tools foster the development of these key attributes.
Inquirers: Curious, ask questions
Knowledgeable: explore ideas and issues in the world around.
Thinkers: think of different ways to solve problems
Communicators: listen to and explain ideas in multiple ways.
Principled: take accountability and responsibility for learning and actions.
Open Minded: show understanding and respect the differences in others.
Caring: kind and helpful to others; understand other people’s feelings.
Risk-Takers: brave and courageous
Balanced: well –rounded and moderate
Reflective: learn from the past to better the future
The MYP Curriculum Includes:
MYP Concept in eight subject areas: Language Arts, Arabic, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Physical Education, Fine Arts and Technology. In addition, we continue to teach Quran and Islamic Studies as part of our integral hallmark curriculum.
Fundamental Concepts of the MYP
The Concepts that organize and shape the MYP consist of:
Establishing a caring community of students who are responsible individuals.
Encouraging a Global Awareness to pro mote internationally well- rounded citizens.
Fostering Communication skills in different forms of expression.
Providing Interdisciplinary holistic approach to learning to help student make real-life connections.
Interdisciplinary Learning
Life in the 21st Century places many changing demands on students making the transition through adolescence. They are at a crucial period of personal, social, physical and intellectual development , of uncertainty and of questioning. The IB Program is designed to help them find a sense of belonging in the ever-changing and increasingly interrelated world around them to foster a positive attitude to learning.
Huda School and Montessori utilizes interdisciplinary learning by actively engaging students in each subject in the five Areas of Interaction. These serve as “lenses” through which students explore ideas, investigate connections across and between subject areas, and apply their knowledge to real world problems. These cross-curricular connections help students develop critical thinking and problem solving skills.
Areas of Interactions
Approaches to Learning( ATL)
In this area, students learn to appreciate the process of learning and understand the various modalities of how learning takes place. The focus here is on establishing learning as a life-long endeavor.
Community and Service
This area concentrates primarily on encouraging students to develop community awareness and concern. Through “calls to action” students realize how they can make an impact on their communities and the greater world with positive actions.
Human Ingenuity
In this area, students begin to appreciate and analyze the processes and products of the human imagination and explore the inventive and creative nature of humanity. Through a variety of inquiry based activities, students examine the impact of innovation on other aspects of our life.
This area will help students recognize humanity’s dependence and interdependence with its environment. Students cultivate an understanding of the essential elements of the natural and man-made environments. Students examine environmental issues that encompass local, national and international communities.
Health and Social Education
This area promotes healthy life styles and helps students be more aware of their well-being.